12/29 ICRT英語文字檔

Welcome back to another episode of News Bites!

I'm Paz Bueno.

And I'm Jacob Ingram.

In today's news: The first blue whale exhibit in Taiwan, and the possible
first Native American team in the Olympics.

And in today's Tasty Tidbit...an accidental icy treat!

Keep on listening to learn more!

Taiwan's First Blue Whale Exhibit

Blue whales are the biggest animal in the world.

They're longer than a basketball court, and heavier than an airplane.

They're also very important for keeping the marine ecosystem in balance

And, the National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium has a special new
exhibit: a giant blue whale skeleton!


This exhibit is really exciting because it's the first time Taiwan is showing
a blue whale skeleton (

Three years ago, people found the body of a young blue whale on the coast of

This was a big deal because blue whales are rare (

Records say the last time a blue whale was seen near Taiwan was more than 100
years ago.


Restoring the whale's skeleton took a lot of work.


Experts spent three years carefully studying it and putting it together

The whale is huge - about 20 meters long and weighs a ton!

這隻鯨魚非常巨大 - 大約20米長,重達一噸!

The exhibit doesn't just show the whale's bones.

The special display makes the whale look like it's diving in the ocean

This helps us imagine how the whale lived and moved in the water.

This exhibit is not only interesting but also teaches us a lot.

It shows how important it is to protect our oceans and the creatures that
live in them.

People are really excited to see this exhibit.

It's a great way to learn about marine life (
海洋生物) and why we should take
care of our oceans.

So, this blue whale exhibit is more than just a display.

It's a chance to learn, be amazed, and think about how we can help protect
our oceans and the amazing animals that live in them.

From Ancient Roots to Olympic Dreams

Lacrosse (
長曲棍球) is a very old sport.

Long ago, Native American people invented it.


They played it for fun and to solve problems between tribes

They played it on wide fields using sticks made from hickory and catgut.


They see the game as a gift from their Creator.


Now, lacrosse is a popular sport played all over the world!

A team called the Haudenosaunee Nationals wants to play in the 2028 Olympics
in Los Angeles.


The Haudenosaunee Nationals are a lacrosse team made up of Native American

Why is this a big deal?

Well, they come from the people who first invented and played lacrosse!

Last summer, they showed their skills, finishing in third place at the World
Lacrosse Championship (

Now, with lacrosse added to the 2028 Olympics
隨著長曲棍球被納入2028年奧運會), there's a chance for them to play under
their own flag.

US President Joe Biden is supporting the idea (
支持這個想法) because of their
unique connection to the sport.

But there's a problem.

To play in the Olympics, teams have to come from countries that everyone

The Haudenosaunee team is from a group of Native American communities in the
U.S. and Canada.

They don't fit the normal rules for Olympic teams.

The International Olympic Committee, which runs the Olympics, once made an
exception by creating a refugee team.


But they're hesitant (
猶豫不決) to do something similar for the

If they do, it could open the door for other unrecognized groups to ask for
the same thing.


This could make things really complicated (
複雜) for the Olympics.

Despite these challenges, the Haudenosaunee have a lot of support.


World Lacrosse and the organizers of the LA Olympics are helping too.


They want to find a way for the team to play.

It's exciting to see a team with such a special history be in the Olympics.

We hope they can make it!

So, in today's News Bites…

The National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium has a special new exhibit:
a giant blue whale skeleton!

Experts spent three years carefully studying it and putting it together.

It's a chance to learn, be amazed, and think about how we can help protect
our oceans and the amazing animals that live in them.


A team called the Haudenosaunee Nationals wants to play in the 2028 Olympics
in Los Angeles.

They come from the people who first invented and played lacrosse!

But to play in the Olympics, teams have to come from countries that everyone
World Lacrosse and the organizers of the LA Olympics are supporting the team
to find a way they can play.

Tasty Tidbit


Today's Tasty Tidbit is all about a sweet, icy treat - the Popsicle (

Did you know it was invented by accident?

In 1905, an 11-year-old boy named Frank Epperson left a mixture of powdered
soda, water, and a stirring stick outside overnight.

It was a chilly night, and the next morning, he discovered the mixture had
frozen to the stick, creating a frozen pop!

He called it the "Epsicle."

It was so popular with his friends that, when he grew up, he patented the
idea and renamed it "Popsicle."

That's how this icy treat was born!

If you have a fun fact, a joke, or interesting news you'd like to share with
us, record your message and send us your Tasty Tidbit, to
newsbites@icrt.com.tw, and you might hear it at the end of an episode.

We'll see you next time for an exciting new episode of News Bites!