
03/08 ICRT英語文字檔

發布於 2024-03-06


Hi everyone, welcome to a new episode of News Bites!

I'm Kelly Kimura…

And I'm Nancy Sun.

Coming up next in today's news:
New Taipei has a new way to process food waste, and old stuffed animals are
getting a new life!

And in today's Tasty Tidbit…you are more than human!

Stay tuned for more on those stories!

New Taipei Launches High-Efficiency Composting Plant

What happens to the food we don't eat?

It becomes food waste.

Just one city, New Taipei City, collects over two hundred sixty thousand
kilograms of food waste every day!

Now, this city has a new high-efficiency composting plant (

It's in trial operation (

From April, this composting plant will turn fifty thousand kilograms of food
waste into compost every day!

Food waste can be processed (
處理) more quickly.

This cuts down on bad odors from rotting food.

This plant is part of New Taipei's plans to diversify (
多樣化) the ways it
processes food waste.

The ways include traditional (
傳統的) composting, bioenergy (生物能源)
production, and innovative methods like black soldier fly breeding

The city is working with a major paper mill (
造紙廠) to produce bioenergy.

This produces 90% less carbon (
) than traditional composting!

It processes waste efficiently, and also aligns with net-zero emissions goals

This helps the city make progress in environmental sustainability

At New Taipei's black soldier fly breeding plant, larvae (
幼蟲) process
twelve thousand kilograms of waste daily.

The larvae are scavengers (

They eat anything!

This black soldier fly breeding plant also turns fly larvae into high-quality
protein (

The larvae are given to poultry (
家禽) and fish to eat.

This adds to circular economy (
循環經濟) efforts.

The leftover fiber (
廚餘的纖維) from food waste and the black soldier flies'
poop can be used to improve soil (

Cities work hard to process food waste.

Food waste is a big problem for Taiwan.

Let's all try not to waste food!

A New Life for Stuffed Animals

A woman in England helps the Earth by rescuing (
營救) old stuffed animals

She saves them from becoming dog toys or going into a landfill (

Many stuffed animals are made with manmade materials (

In a landfill, they would take hundreds of years to break down.

The oil, natural gas, and water used to make them would be wasted.

So she made a company.

It's an environmentally friendly adoption agency (
收養機構) for stuffed

People give her their old stuffed animals instead of throwing them away.

But they do something special first.

They write a message about the stuffed animal's personality (
性格) or life.


Yes. Knowing about the stuffed toy's personality helps a new person know if
they want to take it home.

When the old stuffed animal arrives at the company, the woman gives it a spa
treatment (

What?? A spa treatment?

Yes! She washes it with lots of soap.

She sterilizes (
消毒) it with steam (蒸氣).

She dries it carefully.

She fluffs up the fur (

She puts in new stuffing


She sews up holes.

She carefully cleans its eyes.

When the spa treatment is done, the stuffed animal is very clean!

It doesn't always look new, but it's good enough to go to a new home.

The woman says the life and love the stuffed animals had makes them more

She sells these secondhand (
二手的) stuffed animals at a big department store!

She puts them in environmentally friendly gift boxes.

She puts the messages about them on the boxes.

The woman also sells some of the stuffed animals on her company's website.

People buy them fast!

The new owners can send her photos and news about their stuffed animal.

She puts these on her website so the old owners can see their stuffed
animal's new life!

She thinks that no new stuffed animals need to be made.

There are already so many!

The woman rescues many stuffed animals and gives half of her profits to

Let's do good things too!

So in today's News Bites:

New Taipei has a new high-efficiency compost plant.

It will turn 50 thousand kilograms of food waste into compost every day.


A British woman is helping the Earth by saving stuffed animals.

She asks the old owners to write a message about them.

She cleans and sterilizes the stuffed animals and sells them at a department

The woman says the life and love they had make them more valuable.

Tasty Tidbit

And in today's Tasty Tidbit...

Did you know there are more bacterial cells (
細菌細胞) than human cells in
your body?

By number of cells, the average person is about 56% bacteria!

Does that sound like a lot?

Before a 2016 study, scientists thought we were 90% bacteria!

Bacteria are very, very light.

So by weight, we are more than 99.7 percent human.

The bacteria of the average adult weighs about 200 grams in total.

Human males have 40 trillion bacterial cells.

Most of them are where food travels through the body.

Scientists say these bacteria are necessary for health.

And that's it for today's episode of News Bites!

If you have a fun fact, a joke, or interesting news you'd like to share with
us, record your message and send your Tasty Tidbit to newsbites@icrt.com.tw.

You might hear it at the end of an episode!

We'll see you next time for an exciting new episode of News Bites!
