
05/03 ICRT英語文字檔

Hi everyone, welcome to a new episode of News Bites!

I'm Kelly Kimura…

And I'm Jacob Ingram.

Coming up next in today's news:

A Taiwanese queen wins a race and an octopus surprises a family!

And in today's Tasty Tidbit… Taiwan's baby nurses are heroes!

Stay tuned for more on those stories!

Taiwanese Queen Wins Drag Race

There are many ways of making Taiwan proud.

One person did this with love, creativity (
創造力), and courage (勇氣).

Nymphia Wind (
妮妃雅瘋) won a big contest (比賽) on American TV in April.

She became the first Taiwanese and the first East Asian to win!

She won $200,000 US dollars.

But the money wasn't what she was thinking about.

Taiwan was!

When she was introduced (
介紹) on the show, she said, "Hello Taiwan!"

When she won the contest, she said, "Taiwan, this is for you!"

During the contest, she celebrated traditional (
傳統的) and modern Taiwanese

Asian culture (
文化) with beautiful clothes and makeup (妝容).

She blew everyone away (
她給大家留下了深刻的印象) when she dressed as a boba
tea drink!

She said, "I hope I can help Taiwan shine (
閃耀) bright."

Nymphia Wind was in a famous drag queen (
變裝皇后) contest called RuPaul's
Drag Race.

Drag queens are people, usually men, who wear dramatic feminine
明豔女性化的) clothes and exotic (異情的) makeup, usually for performances

Every year, RuPaul looks for a new drag queen superstar.

This superstar must have "charisma, uniqueness, nerve and talent."

So who is Nymphia Wind?

She's famous in Taiwan's drag world.

She loves bright yellow and bananas and often wears them.

She's a fierce (
強烈的) but fun (有趣的) Asian woman.

And she's the drag persona (
變裝角色) of Leo Tsao (曹米駬).

Who is Leo?

Leo was born in the U.S., and he grew up in Hong Kong and Taiwan.

He was very shy and verbally bullied (
言語霸凌) in school.

He's very close to his mom.

She says drag has made him more confident (

After his military service (
兵役), he performed drag in Taipei.

He went to New York in 2022.

He said, "I just wanted to come ... and show a rich (
豐富的), rich Asian
culture in my drag."

When Nymphia Wind won, she also said, "To those who feel like they don't
屬於), just remember to live fearlessly and have courage to live your truth

Taiwan President Tsai Ing-Wen said on social media,

"Congratulations to you, Nymphia Wind, for being so accomplished (
in the difficult art form of drag, and for being the first Taiwanese to take
the stage (
登上舞台) and win on RuPaul's Drag Race."

She added, "Taiwan thanks you for living fearlessly."


An Octopus Surprises a Family

A boy has loved octopuses since he was three.

He always asked for an octopus for his birthday and Christmas.

His family gave him octopus toys, octopus t-shirts, and other octopus things.

But he wanted a REAL octopus.

He finally got one for his ninth birthday!

The boy named the octopus "Terrance."

That's a nice name for a male (

He kept Terrance in a big aquarium (
水族箱) in his room.

The family loved Terrance.

They fed him live food (
活食), petted (摸摸) him, and really enjoyed him.

But two months later, Terrance started to act (
行為) strangely.

He hid under a rock all the time.

Then eggs appeared in Terrance's hiding place!

Terrance was a female (

To the family, the eggs were just... eggs.

They'd had Terrance for two months, so there wouldn't be any octopus babies.

They were sad because making eggs meant that Terrance would stop eating and
die soon.

But Terrance ate ALL the food they gave her.

One day the boy's dad was cleaning the aquarium.

An egg floated (
漂浮) up.

He picked it up to look at it and POP!

A tiny (
微小的) octopus came out!

The dad was very surprised!

In the next week, FORTY-NINE more octopus babies were born!

Baby octopuses will eat each other, so each time a new baby was born, they
put it in a jar (
) by itself.

The tiny babies ate tiny, tiny live shrimp (

The family was very busy keeping Terrance and her babies alive (

What a surprise Terrance brought to the family!


So in today's News Bites:

A Taiwanese drag queen won a big drag queen contest on American TV in April.

Nymphia Wind showed the world how rich Taiwanese culture is.

Taiwan's president, Tsai Ing-Wen congratulated Nymphia Wind.

She said, "Taiwan thanks you for living fearlessly."


A boy who loves octopuses got one for his birthday.

His family thought it was a male, but then eggs appeared.

Soon they were busy with 50 octopus babies!

Tasty Tidbit

And in today's Tasty Tidbit...

It's been almost a month since the big earthquake.

Did you see the video of baby nurses keeping many babies safe that day?

Baby beds have wheels so the babies can go to and from their mothers' rooms
and the nurses' room.

The earthquake made the beds move in the nurses' room!

The nurses held the beds so babies wouldn't be hurt.

The video was in the news a lot - and not just in Taiwan!

People around the world saw it.

They were very surprised!

The nurses thought of the babies first.

People thought the nurses were great!

Many earthquakes have followed.

Some are not so small.

Baby nurses do the same thing - keep the babies safe!

Thank you, nurses! You are heroes!

And that's it for today's episode of News Bites!

If you have a fun fact, a joke, or interesting news you'd like to share with
us, record your message and send your Tasty Tidbit to us at

You might hear it at the end of an episode!

We'll see you next time for an exciting new episode of News Bites!
